Ramon llull after Ramon Llull

Ramon Llull’s burial, according to oil painting by Miquel Bestard (1592-1633). Ajuntament de Palma.

The work of Ramon Llull is unattainably rich and has established the fermentation of lullism, an intellectual current started by his disciples and that seeks knowledge and diffusion of their thoughts, demanding their value and validity. On the other hand, it must be said that Llull’s prestige was used to attribute him some books that he never wrote (about alchemy, for example) and his figure has been the subject to many legends and mystification throughout the centuries. Censored by the Inquisition, he was recovered by the Humanism, the Counter-Reformation, and later on by the Romanticism. Ramon Llull was declared blessed by the Catholic Church (his day is on the 29th of March). In any case, the figure and thinking of the one that is worthy to be called “Doctor Illuminatus”, reaches strongly until today.

The name Ramon Llull, and the adjective “luliano” appears today on the heading of prestigious cultural institutions, particularly in Catalan speaking regions: Institut Ramon Llull, Universitat Ramon Llull, Estudi General Lul·lià, Societat Arqueològica Lul·liana.


Ramon Llull quotations

«Because what you know is not as much as what you do not know, do not talk too much»

Messages about Ramon Llull

Ramon Llull is buried in the Basilica of Sant Francesc, in Palma (Mallorca).

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