Travels, books and an objective
His life is full of trips around Europe and the Mediterranean, which he embarks on to convince distinguish men, Kings and Popes of the need to debate (rather than fight) with the non believers to bring them to the Christian faith. He travels throughout the, then known, world, he attended various European universities and sometimes he disembarked on the African coast with the intention of challenging the Muslim theologians and put his method to the test. Between 1287 and 1293 he visits Montpellier, Rome, Paris, Genoa and, according to some sources, also Perpignan, Al-Andalus, Ceuta and Egypt.
In “Liber contra Antichristum” rebates the theory of the ones that announce the apocalypse at the change of the century. In 1311, his intellectual and apostolic task receives the approval of the Ecumenical Council held in Vienne (France). In spite of everything, he became disillusioned with the princes and Christian wise men and, particularly in his late years, he feels very lonely. In fact, he set out to do a grandiose and probably impossible job: to build the new basis for the human knowledge according to the Art, conceived by him, and spread them throughout the world.
It is believed that he wrote 265 books, which testify the effort of a wise man devoted to God’s cause.